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Position: Past Conference»Bluetech Conference 2017

3rd Bluetech International Clean Air Conference

3rd Bluetech International Clean Air Conference
  • Overview
  • Partners

The Bluetech International Clean Air Conference 2017 united around 400 participants, including policymakers, national and international experts, local environmental departments, technology companies, environmental organizations, researchers and media together to witness the future clean air evolving trend and cutting-edge development of clean air technologies around the world.

The conference will focus on China’s future clean air roadmap and aims to address the policy, technology, funding and management aspects of air pollution. In the conference, the Disaggregated Coal Treatment and Clean Heating Guideline will be released, and VOCs Online Monitoring System Assessment Guidance, Special loans project from the Asia Development Bank for air pollution prevention in Jing-jin-ji and surrounding areas will also be introduced.

We’ve invited environmental department representatives’ participation from many provinces and cities. Winners and Finalists of the Bluetech Award 2017 will be promoted through posters, display booths on-stage presentations and further match-making & showcase events with local cooperating government entities and research institutions and potential buyers using their technologies to support implementing clean air policies in China.

Meanwhile five sub-forums will be held, topic about local air quality management, disaggregated coal control and clean heating, air quality management and monitoring, clean air project investments and innovative clean air technologies.

  • Main forum
  • Sub-forums
Hao Jiming, Chairman of CAAC, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Tsinghua University

Mr. Wang Jinnan, vice president of the Environmental Planning Institute of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, presented the air quality improvement strategy of the 13th Five-Year plan in detail. Former director of the California Air Resources Management Bureau, Catherine Witherspoon, emphasized the importance of pollution prevention standards planning and Joseph Kubsh, the executive director of US Manufacturers Emission Control Association, shared international experience on diesel vehicle pollution management. Representatives from the United States, Britain and China also shared their experiences with city air quality management work.

  • Hao Jiming, Academician of CAE

  • Yang Chaofei, Chairman of CIEP

  • Catherine Witherspoon, Former CEO of CARB

  • Elanie Chang, Former Director of South Coast AQMD

  • Yan Jinping, COO of Air Liquide (China)

  • N. Bruce Pickering, Vice President of Asia Society

Foreign experts: the progress of air quality improvement in China

The leading experts in related areas were invited to further discuss the underway policies of air quality improvement and their outcomes.

Urban Air Quality Improvement Experience, Challenges and Demand

With the establishment of the mechanism of air quality attainment plan management, cities have become the principal part of air quality management. Europe and the US have gained abundant experience in the city-based systematic management of air quality and the systematic intergradation of urban development in energy, transportation and industry. The representatives from Chinese and foreign cities were invited to discuss their experience, challenges and the technical and market demand during the process of air quality management.

Media Coverage